A strange new world…
My darling Gandalf had three months of operations (5 in all) to try and re-model his arthritic hip/leg. Finally the muscles just wouldn’t hold the leg in place and 12 days ago had his right back leg amputated.
He had his first swim two days ago. It’s a great thing to see, but instead of feeling joyful, I’m feeling scared and worried constantly. Is he ok? Will his other leg cope? Will his front legs cope….is he in pain?
His other hip is a pseudo hip–he had a femoral head excision last year…that took two operations. His front paws are missing a line of bones, and don’t bend backwards as paws usually do.
But I have a buggy for him, and we walk down to the beach and along the beach until there’s a nice spot for him to get out. He seems to want to do more, but I’m so worried about him overdoing it.
This is so hard!