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9 Mar 2012, 8:32am


Magical powers

Yes…the magical powers of the cape. Gandalf has been wearing his bandanna with pride. He just seems so much less serious! People have been noticing that he’s, well, happier than he’s been for a long time.

The lovely physio came today. Emma is absolutely amazing. She says that Gandalf’s muscles are definitely developing, changed over the week. She’s noticed, as I have, that he’s throwing out his front opposite amputation leg. She says this is because he’s finding new ways to balance. She’s trying to mobilize his wrists a little (they’re essentially fused…he’s missing a line of bones, poor nutrition as a puppy or just bad design). He was shutting his eyes with the bliss of it when she was working on his  leg and shoulders and neck and spine.

But he’s been tired all day….I can’t decide if he’s sore or just really relaxed. If he’s been wearing the harness all day he seems to just look tired, perks up again when I take it off. I wonder whether he thinks it’s his working harness and so is being a good quiet boy.

Emma agrees that I should keep his exercise to a minimum or at least not overdo it. She agrees with the wisdom given in the downloadable book–that dogs should have the same amount of energy when they finish exercising as when they start. She also suggests that I do a bit of swimming with the floaty on and some with it off, because it uses different muscles.

This morning he used it at the beach because there were some tiny waves, and we went in where there’s a bit of almost undertow. I always put the floaty on when he swims in the river, because it’s deep.

I went today and helped my audiologist move some furniture, from downstairs to upstairs. I left Gandalf downstairs but he was looking longingly at me, and I thought he might attempt the quite steep stairs. I carried him up the stairs and settled him in the beanbag, went back to work. Then I looked over and he was gone….and there he is, sitting at the bottom of the stairs.

I tried not to panic and berate myself for being a bad mom. I have no idea how he got down. I’m hoping the cape enabled him to float downstairs……




It sounds like Gandalf is doing great! Don’t be so harsh on yourself about him going down the stairs. Boomer has done the stairs and freaked me out several times. He is a big dog and a rear amp (1 month 1 week today) but non the less I can sympathize with your fears.
The Tripawd cape is definitely magical because Boomer had the same reaction.
We are looking forward to hearing about Gandalfs continued improvement.
Tina and Boomer

Yes. It was the cape. 🙂 It was the magical powers of a dog that’s healing and doing what he feels well enough doing. I felt the same way the first time Dakota did our stairs. But he was fine. Gandalf is coming along really nicely. He should be proud of himself!


we too were shocked to look over and see that gayle had made her way down the basement stairs…our tripawd sisters and brothers can be such smarty pants!!

charon & spirit gayle

See, it DOES have magical powers!

If he’s mellower he’s probably just feeling goooooood and relaxed. Isn’t that how humans feel after a nice long massage? Unless he’s showing signs of pain, like hesitation to get up and down, I wouldn’t worry. Especially after that magic trick on the stairs, I’m betting that he’s fine.

What your therapist said about the book is really pawesome, thanks for letting us know! We would like to interview her, and if you have any photos of Gandalf getting therapy that would be SO cool. It’s for a new project. Do you think that would be pawsible? PM me, let’s talk.

Thanks Tina….Boomer is a VERY brave boy indeed doing all those stairs. I think Boomer is just slightly ahead in recovery time (Gandalf is 1 month + 1 week on Monday). So you definitely know that heart stopping moment!

Yeah smarty pants is right…:)

I think they play “let’s scare the mom” games. He really did have the caped crusader i’m so smart look on his face.


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