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16 Apr 2012, 2:32am


Bowled over….ouch

Poor Gandalf. Yesterday he got bowled over not once, but three times by an exhuberant border collie cross. On the sand. I tried not to panic, and he got himself up and grrrred at her. As she deserved! Luckily the owners called her off.

I didn’t baby him as I dearly wanted to 🙂 and instead threw the thong (the flip flop!!) into the water. He is really a very brave boy.

On the way home he jumped out of the buggy and decided to be a big growly boy at a sweet but a little bouncy black dog. I admit I didn’t tell him off, really. Said the words though. It was almost as if he was re-asserting himself!

And today. Well! Portia the bull terrier was on the beach and freaking out about something…spooked herself and was off and running with her (aging) person trying to catch her. Gandalf and I joined in the run. She ended up getting smooshed onto the rocks by a wave at which point Alan was able to grab her. Gandalf and I then took over. He was a dear sweet boy with her, no naughty growlings or anything, and it was like he knew she was in trouble. I managed to get the shaking Alan to the roadside with Portia and waited with them until Alan’s wife came to pick them up. They’re actually almost-neighbours. I’m just about to go down and deliver a horse lead so Portia can go to the beach again asap to get over her freakdom safely. And so Alan can feel better too!

My darling Gandalf is now resting. He knows I’m going out for a little while without him so I am getting the sad sad sad look.

Happy days to all our tripawd friends…

Poor brave Gandalf, I am glad he is okay and showing how strong he is as well as how tender he can be.

Boomer and Tina

gandalf, sounds like that girl dog was a real bully – but glad you didn’t let her ruin your great day!! and, sounds like you are not only a tripawd warrior, but a super hero too, since you helped save portia and alan!!! extra treats for that big guy!!

charon & spirit gayle

You live in Doggie Land, Gandalf! What fun!

Hey you know what? My Momma used to have a HEART ATTACK whenever I stumbled or got knocked down. Finally my dad told her, “Just let him be a DOG!” and that was something she kept saying to herself whenever I was playing with others. Maybe it will work with your Momma too.


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